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Valentine vs Lockdown

by | Apr 3, 2020 | Articles | 0 comments

Do you like Valentine’s? It seems like a silly question especially when you are madly in love. However, it also seems like appropriate time to tell you about the movie I watched recently. Yes, I was in the mood for something nice, sweet and dreamy :-).

Don’t worry, I am not going to tell you the whole movie script, just the point of it. That’s the reason I am writing to you. So back to my point:

The woman – star of the movie was living her Valentine’s day over and over again until she found her soulmate. She already met him on the first day of this repeating circle but her outlook on the world, herself, her job was so different that she couldn’t see him. She was blindly chasing she thought she wanted but nothing she needed.

I feel like I am being in this movie. Except it’s called Lockdown instead of Valentine’s. The first day was fun, wasn’t it? Working from home, having all this freedom and time to choose to do whatever you want. Yep, I know, with little restrictions. But still. Isn’t it the entrepreneurial dream for most of us? “Be your own boss, work from home” etc.

I enjoyed my slow mornings, long hours to meditate and time to read my favorite books. But as time pass by, the reality hits you. Not seeing your colleagues, friends, anyone? Knowing what is going to happen each day became boring and predictable. Let’s be honest, how many movies can you watch?

Change happens with new perspective

Things changed for her (the movie star) when she opened her mind to new perspectives. That’s when she saw everything around her with different eyes and new senses. When she started to live with the heart too.  She found her soulmate eventually and guess what. She was meeting him for the last 3 years and had no idea about him.  

Maybe this movie represents the current situation for most of us. Does it feel to you that the whole world or your world has stopped? Do you feel like living the same day over and over again?

Maybe this is happening for the reason. Maybe this is your chance to open your mind and see the world with new eyes and feel it will all senses. Live it from your heart. Maybe this is your chance to create your world the way you want to and from a new perspective.

Nobody does it alone

Let me tell you she didn’t do it on her own. She had help. She had somebody who showed her the right direction, somebody who told her what to look for.


How would it feel for you to have this kind of help? What would it mean for you and how would your life change? Would you like this kind of help?

Let me invite you to the private group and meet other ladies like you. To the tribe of like-minded hearted women who are inspiring and empowering each other.

In times of uncertainty like these, it’s difficult to be on your own so having right people around you or at any other times is a benefit which makes your life worth to live.

Our group will help you how to see yourself in an empowering way. It will help you to see what’s coming for you with a fresh perspective.

See you there.

With love,


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