Discover Your True Calling. Unlock Path To a Fulfilling Life With Clarity Coaching.
Clarity coaching will help you not only earn more money but also find deep fulfillment and purpose in your work and life.

You are unfulfilled, but…to move on in your life with clarity, confidence, and purpose, you need to have some answers, and clarity coaching can help
…but here is the problem
You don’t believe in yourself.
You don’t trust yourself and your decision, and as a result, you are stuck and do nothing.
You’re beating yourself up and limiting yourself to what you THINK is possible.
You’re overwhelmed by all the noise and don’t know what’s the next best step for you.
You feel stuck, trapped, lost, confused, and with no confidence.
You’re petrified of failure and humiliation if it doesn’t work out, so you’re playing small.
Knowing yourself will help you to move on in your life with clarity, confidence & purpose
How would you feel if you could restart your life on a high note with a career that makes you happy and fulfilled?
How would you feel if you could have clarity on yourself and feel sure about your future?
How would you feel if you could do what you love for a living and get handsomely paid for it?
How would you feel if you could listen and act upon that inner calling for something greater AND earn money?
My Name is MartinaK
I am a Clarity Alignment Coach & Truth Seeker who helps you become a clear, inspired, and empowered leader of the life you love.
Her constant search for happiness and money left her broke, miserable and lonely in a foreign country. That was when she realized that fundamental transformation starts within, so she mastered the formula to fulfillment.
Her search has turned into a mission. Today she is helping other women find their unique path and calling, build fulfilling careers they love and get handsomely paid for. Martina is working with individuals and small groups and running powerful workshops.
She teaches the importance of self-awareness, mastering yourself and your inner world as the core solution to most problems.
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MartinaK has been awarded a special Brainz CREA Global Award for her accomplishments and results in mental health. She has been published on a prestigious list of top entrepreneurs, influential leaders, and innovators who have been recognized for their innovative ideas, resourcefulness, or for their accomplishments in the areas of sustainability and mental health.

Inspiring Women and Their Stories
Inspiring stories from some women around the world who have been part of my clarity sessions.
Before starting the coaching with Martina, I was totally lost and had no conception of where to start or how to bring a bit of tidiness, routine and following the footprint in my life. I was in the middle of a hurricane and doing lots of different things with just little focus on things that needed more attention. To be honest, at the beginning I was a bit sceptical starting and following the program. Now, after 4 weeks of coaching with you, I am glad I did so. I am feeling more orientated, prone, confident and prepared to face my journey with my personalised compass (using the visual exercise). I have a clearer vision about my path and started making little steps forwards in terms to transit from dreams to plan and into action. Thank you for this opportunity.
Lavinia Romano
I took the self-awareness coaching program because I couldn’t find answers I was looking for a very long time. I finally discovered what I want, learnt about my strengths, my weaknesses and about myself at all. Learning how to make the most of my strengths was very useful, practical and inspiring lesson for me. Thanks to her coaching I got clarity on my goals and also the process to achieve them. Especially I am grateful for the accountability which pushes me each day to take daily actions even if I don’t feel like. It’s amazing feeling to reflect back and see that I am getting closer to fulfilling my dreams. I can highly recommend Martina as a skilled coach and mentor. Thank you.
Zuzana Martuliak
I felt like this workshop was the tip of the iceberg for me and it made me hungry to learn even more and try to reach that point of self-awareness. I felt so empowered by the session. Thank you so much for opening up a whole new world for me and pointing out the direction that reflects my true desires.
Alina F
Martina always knew how to answer my questions. It didn’t matter if it was an easy, difficult or a tricky one, Martina just knew how to help. She was a God-send to me. She helped me to understand how to set my goals and how to be consistent with achieving them. She helped me to the concepts of being present, how to manage my time and to set up my own priorities in the right order.
Katarina Circova
Thank you so much for yesterday’s live workshops. It gave me food and new insights for thoughts. It was lovely to share thoughts and inner feelings with the group of like-minded women and such inspiring experience to be surrounded by strong women like me. Even so we all need the direction and guidance to remind us what’s we want the most and that all challenges can be turned into fun and joy. Thank you for facilitating this workshop.